This site hosts Brassica genome databases.
Links to available Brassica genome viewer and search are below:
Brassica napus Panache graph pangenome viewer
- B. napus Panache graph pangenome viewer: Graph pangenome representing 10 diverse B. napus whole genmome assemblies.
Combined Brassica napus, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea Panache graph pangenome viewer
- Brassica napus, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea Panache graph pangenome viewer: Graph pangenome representing 15 B. rapa, 5 B. oleracea and 9 B. napus publicly available long read assemblies B. napus whole genmome assemblies.
Brassica napus GBrowse Viewers and Search
- B. napus pangenome GBrowse: including snps and functional annotation of genes.
- B. napus pangenome GBrowse Fast Keyword Search: Fast search on functional annotation of genes.
- B. napus cultivar Tapidor genome browser: including snps and functional annotation of genes.
- B. napus cultivar Darmor genome browser: including snps and functional annotation of genes.
Brassica oleracea GBrowse Viewers and Search
- B. oleracea pan genome GBrowse:
including snps and functional annotation of genes.
- B. oleracea pan genome GBrowse Fast Keyword Search: Fast search on functional annotation of genes.
Brassica rapa GBrowse Viewers and Search
- B. rapa genome browser:
including comprehensive annotation of the repeat fraction of the genome using the genome viewer GBrowse2.
Brassica oleracea/rapa/napus pangenome JBrowse Viewers and Search
JBrowse genome browser including presence/absence variation across the three species.
KnetMiner instance allowing to compare predicted genes with the Arabidopsis thaliana KnetMiner instance.
Batch Download
B. oleracea/rapa/napus pangenome:
B. napus pangenome:
Pangenome - before placing de novo contigs into pseudomolecules
Pangenome - after placing de novo contigs into pseudomolecules (the placement may not be 100% accurate), used for GBrowse
B. oleracea pangenome:
Pangenome - before placing de novo contigs into pseudomolecules
Pangenome - after placing de novo contigs into pseudomolecules (the placement may not be 100% accurate), used for GBrowse
Analysis Tools
A sequence similarity search portal for blasting a query sequence to the Brassica genomes and conveniently viewing hits in the corresponding Genome Browsers.
Illumina paired read sequence data for several Brassica species, wild relatives and pathogens is available at
TAGdb [2].
All raw and assembled sequence data is freely available
on request.
Please cite
Homoeologous exchange is a major cause of gene presence/absence variation in the amphidiploid Brassica napus. Hurgobin, B., Golicz, A.A., Bayer, P.E., Chan, C.K.K., Tirnaz, S., Dolatabadian, A., Schiessl, S.V., Samans, B., Montenegro, J.D. and Parkin, I.A. Plant biotechnology journal 2018, 16, 1265-1274.
The pangenome of an agronomically important crop plant Brassica oleracea. Golicz AA, Bayer PE, Barker GC, Edger PP, Kim H, Martinez PA, Chan CKK, Severn-Ellis A, McCombie WR, Parkin IAP et al. Nature Communications 2016, 7:13390
- The Brassica rapa Genome Sequencing Project Consortium. (2011) The
genome of the mesopolyploid crop species Brassica rapa.
Nature Genetics 43: 1035-1040
Marshall DJ, Hayward A, Eales D, Imelfort M, Stiller J, Berkman PJ,
Clark T, McKenzie M, Lai K, Duran C, Batley J and Edwards D. (2010)
Targeted identification of genomic regions using TAGdb.
Plant Methods 6:19